الموقع الرسمى كلية الحقوق جامعة الإسكندرية

فهرس المقال

شعار الجامعةدكتور سارة الغراب Sarah Abdallah Al Ghorab
Assistant Professor Public Law
Alexandria University Faculty of Law
عنوان البريد الإلكتروني هذا محمي من روبوتات السبام. يجب عليك تفعيل الجافاسكربت لرؤيته.

 Academic Qualifications ♦

 Alexandria University, Faculty of Law ♦

Bachelor of Laws, LL.B. May 2007, Faculty of Law, English Department
- Cumulative grade: “Very Good with honors”.
- Graduation rank: Ranked 3rd on the class (Out of 5000 graduates)

Cairo University, Faculty of Law ♦

Master of Public Law LL.M degree, 2010
Administrative studies diploma Tanta University, October 2010
Alexandria University, Faculty of Law ♦
Doctor of Philosophy: “Ph.D.”, With “A” Average that equivalent to Excellent, August 2017. Field of Study: Public Law- Constitutional Law
Dissertation (Thesis) Title: “Impediments of exercising political rights -A Comparative Study”
Administrative Experience ♦

Alexandria University Faculty of Law ♦

 Assistant Professor Public Law, January 2018 present -
 Lecturer in Law, April 2010 -
Teaching Assistant, March 2008 -

Professional Experience ♦

Egypt-Japan University for science and Technology (E-JUST) ♦

Adjunct Assistant Professor, Winter 2021 -

The German International University (GIU) ♦

 Adjunct Assistant Professor, spring 2019-present -
 The German University in Cairo “GUC”, Faculty of Law and Legal Studies, Egypt ♦
 Adjunct Assistant Professor, spring 2018-present -
The Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, (“College of Law”), Smart Village, Egypt ♦
 Adjunct Assistant Professor, fall 2018 -
 Professional Development ♦

Training Courses in Group Communication an Interaction: Effective Presentation Skills2006, Communication Skills 2012

Training Courses in Scientific research: Research Methods-2006, References Management System -2012 -
Training Courses in Management and Leadership: Managing Time and Meetings- 2006, Legal and Financial Aspects in - University Environment- 2012
Training Courses in Teaching and Education systems: Use of technology in Teaching 2006 -
The Credit hours system -2006, Quality Standards in the Teaching Process -2012, Quality Standards in the Education - Process- 2012
Courses Taught ♦

Constitutional Judiciary (Taught in Arabic) ♦

 Administrative Law” (Taught in Arabic and English) ♦

 Political Systems (Taught in English) ♦

 Constitutional Law (Taught in Arabic) ♦

 Legal Terminology (Taught in English) ♦

Introduction to Law for Business students (Taught in English) ♦

Private International Law Nationality and foreigners’ status (Taught in English) ♦

 Private international Law Conflict of Laws (Taught in E ) ♦

Courses and Conferences ♦

'Drafting legal contracts' course. Amid-east, Alexandria 2008 ♦

'Shari'a and law' conference, Italy, Syracuse 2011 ♦
Business of IP Asia Forum 2020 – Online ♦
Acted as Judge in the Middle East Rounds of Price Law Oxford Moot Court Competition 2018-19 and 2020-21♦
Supervising the coaches of VIS moot court competition “GUC team”♦
Head of Mentorship program offered by THE LAW♦
Member of workshops committee in the 2nd International Conference on Smart Cities 4.0 “Smartness meets Sustainability” hosted by the GUC and GIU. December 2022♦
Strategy and National Security course, Nasser Military Academy March 2022♦
Crisis and Negotiations course, Nasser Military Academy May 2022♦
Leadership program for Women in governorates, National Training Academy, September 2023♦

Academic Activities ♦

Academic Supervision over Masters and PhD thesis ♦

Supervising Examination process ♦

Coaching the winning team in the “ Policies Paper” competition ♦ 

Head of Legal Clinic ♦

Academic Awards ♦

 For remarkable academic achievements, I have been added to “Dean’s list of Honors” which represents outstanding students, 2004-2007

Received Merit Scholarship for all semesters for my academic performance, 2004-2007

Publication ♦

الوجيز في قضاء الإلغاء :Book


الموقع الرسمى كلية الحقوق . مركز خدمات تكنولوجيا المعلومات - جامعة الإسكندرية © 2021 | جميع الحقوق محفوظة |